So it's been 2 days or so in Bangkok and we've eaten quite the variety of Thai food from quite the variety of vendors. So far, my digestive system is holding it's own. We found a lovely hotel (for a whopping $10/person) with an open cafe in the lobby where we've had breakfast each morning and enjoyed the breeze. The first afternoon here we went to the weekend market and decided to try our luck with some fruit (yum! yum yum yum) and a market food stall. They were out of everything except fish curry and something none of us understood. We ordered a couple of both, and after we got it....we still had absolutely no idea what that second dish was. But we survived! Yesterday we tried some bonafide street food noodle soups which were delicious and fresh....and less than $1!
Last night we went to a blues lounge near our hotel just for somthing relaxing and different. The guitar player was unreal. I'm amazed if that's the best gig he can get in Bangkok.
We've done much walking and seen a lot of Bangkok, but I think it's time to move on for now. We're heading to to Ko Samet to do some snorkeling and recouping on the beach. Also, before we leave, Sarah and I are going to get a cell phone set we should be reachable soon. I'll send that number as soon as it's working.
I hope things are going well on your ends. How was everyone's weekend in Raleigh? are Spanish classes? There were so many little dog outfit shops in Tokyo. Beulah needed all of them. was Cornhuskin? Andy....what are you being for halloween this year? I hear they are trying very hard to make the Franklin St. celebration much lamer.
Thank you thank you thank you to those people who helped with my car in Raleigh. I owe you big time.
PS. My hair is absolutely enormous.
Here are a few pictures from our first few days in Bangkok when my stomach was on such great behavior.
1. Toilets: Turns out this is actually a pretty nice one. Jacob is flushing it.
2. Puppies at the weekend market: These puppies were heartbreaking. I'm going to pretend that the ones they don't sell get sent to Ko Samet to play on the beach all day. I don't think I could take it otherwise.
3. Market food
4. Street food
5. Waterfront property is apparently not prime real estate in Bangkok. The river and canals were lined with housing like this.
6. Part of Bangkok's skyline from the top of the Golden Mount. Below this is the "golden" part of the golden mount.
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