Jacob and I made it to Bangkok, and Sarah was waiting for us at our gate! We had a nice day and a half in Tokyo before arriving here. Honestly, it didn't feel that much different from being in an American city most of the time. It was like New York except we were most decidedly in the minority. We saw the Imperial Gardens, got lost in the financial district, and then had some outstanding sushi with all of the Japanese businessmen on their lunch break. The rest of the time we spent wandering around the city and dining on noodle soups.
I actually wasn't that excited about Bangkok, but I already am enjoying it much more than Tokyo. It's grittier and more colorful. I wouldn't want to stay here forever, but there's plenty of good people watching to go around and an abundance of beautiful fruit (that you can smell long before you figure out where it is).
Sorry this is short! 3 minutes left on the meter, and then we're heading to the weekend market.
Miss you all!
1. A view of Tokyo from the Imperial Gardens on one gray and misty day (you may need to click for the full size picture). This weather turned out to be peachy compared to the buckets of rain we got the next day. My waterproof jacket lost all its waterproofing in about 5 hours :-/

2. Prefecture Trees: The most exciting part of the Imperial Gardens (Seriously. The emperor apparently has a thing for grass. Grass and rocks.) was the little section where each of Japan's prefectures was represented by a tree. The first picture is the little plot where, apparently, the cool prefectures' trees live. The lamer trees were in the plot next door. I don't know if you can see it, but above the little white sign is a stump. Poor stump prefecture.

3. Businesspeople: So many of them. Mostly men.

4. Awesome sushi: Let me know if you can identify that pink blob beside the shrimp.
3. Businesspeople: So many of them. Mostly men.
4. Awesome sushi: Let me know if you can identify that pink blob beside the shrimp.
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